Intelligent Systems
Note: This research group has relocated.

Bioinspired Autonomous Miniature Robots Group

We have moved!

Our group focuses on resolving the scientific challenge of achieving unprecedented robotic performance by (Area-1) developing smart robotic materials and then (Area-2) integrating them into complex functional robotic systems.

In Area-1, we’d like to develop materials to meet the requirement of robotics. This includes better controllability (behavior is deterministic and predictable) and reliability. At the next level, we want to make materials with embedded intelligence that can realize these properties more elegantly.

In Area-2, we have to point out that the integration is a grand challenge even though there are existing materials that are good in each specialized function. Therefore, it is very challenging to integrate them together due to conflicting requirements and the demand for compatible interfaces. To address the challenge of integration, we are developing different integration strategies and their corresponding fabrication methods.